The Challenge
Amy’s Kitchen is a family-owned organic meal manufacturing company—you (and we) probably know them for their amazing burritos and soups. With manufacturing plants in Santa Rosa, Pocatello, Medford and San Jose, all hit hard by staffing difficulties even before the pandemic, Amy’s was looking to refine its employer brand and to find new ways to appeal to new workers interested in joining the Amy’s family.
In short, they needed to attract local talent, and to tell the right, authentic story about Amy’s as an employer, through the right campaign. We were invited to fine-tune the Amy’s Kitchen employer brand story specifically for online audiences, making it both recruitment-ready and locally relevant.
The Work
We partnered with the very smart folks at Within People on this project, who conducted research and analysis into each plant’s relevant competitors, recruitment strategies, and potential employees, in order to determine the right target audience and messaging for an online employer branding and recruitment campaign. We went to work crafting the online component of an employer-branding and recruitment campaign plan that would appeal to those target personas. This piece of the larger campaign incorporated online and social advertising, organic social content, and a targeted landing page closely linked to Amy’s online application technology. The campaign we developed included sample employee stories and content, along with a strategy for capturing and creating future employee stories for their website and social channels, and promotional content closely tied to a larger campaign within the targeted local communities.
The Outcome
Amy’s was delighted with the campaign’s recommended personas, messaging, and tactics, which they felt captured the spirit of the brand during the recruitment process. They have been able to translate the recommended campaign messaging—highlighting Amy’s not only as an employer of choice, but as a recognizeable values-focused brand—and tactics into an effective series of local campaigns, with more to come as the pandemic (hopefully, soon) abates. They have also produced a beautiful series of employee stories proudly showcased on their Careers page and across their social media channels.
Why We Love Them
Amy’s Kitchen doesn’t just manufacture food, they cook it with love. They are thoughtful about sustainability and strive to achieve it, and recently achieved BCorp status—something we are setting out to do ourselves. They inspire us consistently. And those insanely good, truly healthy, frozen burritos? Thank you, Amy’s!
Check out more of our work at the links below—and feel free to reach out to discuss ways we might develop the right messaging and/or compaign for your brand.